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City Approval Process for "The Beacon"

The contract for "The Beacon" has not been formally accepted by the City of Clayton, but the City readily admits they are close.  Our understanding is that the developer has the three surrounding apartment buildings under contract. 


To fully approve “The Beacon,” the following steps need to occur:


  1. The City of Clayton’s Economic Development department accepts a contract with the developer for the City Parking lot at the corner of Wydown and Hanley

  2. The Mayor and the Board of Aldermen vote to approve the contract. This vote will be part of a meeting open to the public.  This will be our first opportunity to formally voice concerns about the proposal.

  3. The Plan Commission reviews the request to rezone the property.  Should Step #2 be approved, the developer would have to submit a request to rezone the four lots to remove height and setback restrictions that currently exist.  There will be at least one public meeting to discuss this request.  This will be our second opportunity to voice concerns formally. 

  4. Board of Aldermen approval of request to rezone.  The Plan Commission makes a recommendation to the Board on whether to grant or deny the request to rezone.  Although the Board ultimately has the final authority to decide, they usually follow the Plan Commission’s recommendation.  This approval occurs as part of the agenda of a standard Board of Alderman meeting.  This is a public meet and offers us our final opportunity to voice concerns.

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